Woolworths Rewards Promotion: Win a year’s worth of groceries and more

Enter the Woolworths Rewards Promotion for your chance to win gift cards, vouchers or one of the 10 major prizes consisting of a year’s worth of groceries (valued at $7,800) at a Woolworths supermarket or Woolworths Online.

Competition is open to Registered Woolworths Rewards Cardholders who are 18 years of age or older and a resident of Australia. Click here to join for free if you are not a member of Woolworths Rewards.

To earn entries, simply use your Rewards card every time you shop at Woolworths in store or online, BWS, BIG W and participating Caltex Woolworths Fuel Outlets.

Competition closes on Tuesday, 3rd April, 2018 at 23:59 pm AEDT. Minor and Major prize winners will be chosen in a random draw.

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