Woolworths Qantas Competition: Enter your code and win 1 of 280 flight vouchers of $5,000

Enter now the Woolworths Qantas Competition, in it, you get the chance to win 1 of 280 flight vouchers of $5,000.

Competition is open only to legal residents of Australia aged 18 years of age and over.

To enter you just have to spend $30 or more at Woolworths in store or online during the competition period to get a unique code, after you get it, visit the official competition web page and fill in the online entry form with all the required data, including your code, date of purchase, name, last name, email address, mailing address and phone number.

Competition closes at 23:59 AEDT on Tuesday 13 November 2018.  Winners will be selected by random draw from all eligible entries.

  1. Qantas / Flight Voucher Promotion code 3605334000770782928

  2. Qantas /Flight Voucher

  3. Reply
    Peta Chapman Code 3605561000392902918 20 October 2018 at 2:50 pm

    Qantas Competition

  4. please let me win i need a holiday thanks Woolies

  5. iam desperate for break please

  6. How do I find the list of daily winners on the website?

  7. Quantas/flight voucher

  8. quantas/flight voucher 3605310408242102948

  9. Quantas/flight voucher 3605310400192552938

  10. Coral Denise Donnelly 23 October 2018 5.06pm
    Qantas/flight voucher 3605117900208102968

  11. Reply
    Neil & Gail Redfern 24 October 2018 at 8:19 am

    Neil & Gail Redfern 23/10/2018
    Quantas flight voucher

  12. Up, up and away. No that was TAA wasn’t it. It has been a long time.

  13. tammy Davenport Quantas flight voucher 3605700800221062988

  14. terry Davenport Quantas flight voucher 3605700800221052988

  15. Love to win my first prize ever. Also love shopping at Woollies

  16. Reply
    gary kuhn3605266700748702998 26 October 2018 at 7:16 pm

    love to win a holiday.

  17. roger macgregor 3605260408205903028 a 5000 DOLLAR FLIGHT VOUCHER would be sensational

  18. I give up. after 3 attempts to enter your Qantas competition it just became too hard.i kept getting redirected to other comps.please stop teasing us

  19. where do I enter the code?

  20. To enter the code FIRST click the following orange link in the third paragraph to get to the Woolworths official entry page.

  21. Would be a dream come TRUE. My unique code is 3605155700184743078. Heres hoping.

  22. 3605325100635032968

  23. 3605325100214403068 I would be able to fly to Europa once more

  24. 36053251001771143038 last time to vienna

  25. 3605325100618433098 back to Europa the last time

  26. 3605137501020683148

  27. 3605137501020683148
    need a trip to Europe so please let it be me

  28. VERY disappointed !!
    I was told I just need to enter a code to wine BUT was asked a hundred questions !!
    My Codes ( I assume) :

  29. my code is 36051645000823833128

  30. I am hopping that this is right to win a Qantas flight voucher code no 3605164500823833128

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