Michel’s Competition: Enter your code and win a trip to Paris at michels.com.au/win-paris

Enter the Michel’s Competition for your chance to win a 5-night holiday for two to Paris, including return flights, accommodation and $1500 AUD spending money.

Entry is open to all Australian residents aged 18 years and over.

To enter, buy any ‘Rendezvous for Two’ combo from your nearest Michel’s store:
– 2 slices of banana bread and 2 coffees.
– 2 pies and 2 cold drinks.
– 2 savoury rolls and 2 cofees.
– 2 slices of the cake of the day and 2 coffees.

You will receive a promotional voucher with your unique entry code.

Next, go to the official Michel’s Competition website at michels.com.au/win-paris

Enter your first name, last name, email address and your unique code. Submit the form to go in the draw

Competition closes on Sunday 22 April 2018 (AEST). A draw will take place to select the winner from all the elegible entries received.


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